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Headline data

This table provides metadata for the actual indicator available from Lao PDR statistics closest to the corresponding global SDG indicator. Please note that even when the global SDG indicator is fully available from Lao statistics, this table should be consulted for information on national methodology and other Lao-specific metadata information.


Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages


Target 3.9: By 2030, substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination


3.9.2: Mortality rate attributed to unsafe water, unsafe sanitation and lack of hygiene (exposure to unsafe Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for All (WASH) services)


Mortality rate attributed to unsafe water, unsafe sanitation and lack of hygiene (exposure to unsafe Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for All (WASH) services)

Metadata update

23 May 2021

Related indicators

Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Target 3.9: By 2030, substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination


Ministry of Health

Contact person(s)

Dr Founkham Lattanavong

Contact organisation unit

Department of Planning and Cooperation

Contact person function

Director General

Contact phone

+856 20 55 509 676

+856 21 252 753, 264086

Contact mail


Contact email

Definition and concepts

Definition: The mortality rate attributed to unsafe water, unsafe sanitation and lack of hygiene (exposure to unsafe Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for All (WASH) services) as defined as the number of deaths from unsafe water, unsafe sanitation and lack of hygiene (exposure to unsafe WASH services) in a year, divided by the population, and multiplied by 100,000.

Concepts: Deaths attributable to unsafe water, sanitation and hygiene focusing on inadequate WASH services, expressed per 100,000 population; The included diseases are the WASH attributable fractions of diarrhoea (ICD-10 code A00, A01, A03, A04, A06-A09), intestinal nematode infections (ICD-10 code B76-B77, B79) and protein-energy malnutrition (ICD-10 code E40-E46).

Unit of measure

Proportion: /100.000 population



Data collection method

Data Collection Mode:


Data collection calendar



Data providers


Data compilers

Department of Planning and Cooperation

Institutional mandate



The indicator expresses the number of deaths from inadequate water, sanitation and hygiene (with focus on WASH services) which could be prevented by improving those services and practices. It is based on both the WASH service provision in the country, as well as the related health outcomes, and therefore provides important information on the actual disease caused by the risks measured in 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3.

Comment and limitations

Data rely on (a) statistics on WASH services (6.1, 6.2 and 6.3), which are well assessed in almost all countries, and (b) data on deaths. Data on deaths are also widely available from countries from death registration data or sample registration systems, which are certainly feasible systems. Such data are crucial for improving health and reducing preventable deaths in countries. The main limitation is that not all countries do have such registration systems to date, and data need to be completed with other type of information.

Method of computation

The methods with agreed international standard have been developed, reviewed and published in various documents:

This table provides information on metadata for SDG indicators as defined by the UN Statistical Commission. Complete global metadata is provided by the UN Statistics Division.